TKP/ML Central Committee – Politburo: Member of Our Party TKP/ML and Dersim Regional Command, Comrade Deniz (Cumhur Sinan Oktulmuş) Has Been Immortalized!


TKP/ML Central Committee – Politburo: Member of Our Party TKP/ML and Dersim Regional Command, Comrade Deniz (Cumhur Sinan Oktulmuş) Has Been Immortalized!

To Our Working People From Turkish, Kurdish and Various Nationalities;In the storms, we are as combative as Deniz (sea)! We will not settl

TKP/ML Zentralkomitee – Politbüro: Das Mitglied unserer Partei TKP/ML und des Regionalkommandos in Dersim, Genosse Deniz (Cumhur Sinan Oktulmus) ist unsterblich!
Comité central – Bureau Politique du TKP/ML : Membre de notre parti TKP/ML et du commandement régional de Dersim, camarade Deniz (Cumhur Sinan Oktulmuş) a été immortalisé !
Kalbimize Saplandı Beş Bıçak, Kalbimiz Daha Güçlü Çarpacak (VİDEO)


To Our Working People From Turkish, Kurdish and Various Nationalities;

In the storms, we are as combative as Deniz (sea)!

 We will not settle down, we will destroy all obstacles with our fury and wrath!


The wildest, the oldest, the most barbarian and the most exhausted reactionism continues to attack with fear and the appetite and desire to add even a second life to itself, for destruction using the most advanced, powerful, cutting-edge technological weapons. Against this, the communists are resisting with the most advanced, most legitimate, most egalitarian, libertarian and most justifiable reasons, girding on all their weapons from top to toe. Our People’s War continues as a true representative of the future, but knowing that it is a weak power, and pouring the destructive gunpowder into its rifle against the power of the unjust and broken-down fascist dictatorship and its most advanced military equipment.

In June, September and October, our CC member Nubar, our Regional Commander Özgür and our people’s fighters, comrades Şerzan, Rosa and Asmin joined the caravan of immortals in the operations against our forces of the People’s Army TİKKO, who fight under the leadership of our party TKP / ML. Operations against guerrilla forces continued unceasingly. From October 30 to November 9, one of our guerrilla units under the command of Comrade Deniz (Cumhur Sinan Oktulmuş) in Dersim Aliboğazı was subjected to intense attack by the enemy while they were in winter preparations. The operations carried out by the enemy using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for days in the region continued between October 30 and November 9 with warplanes and helicopters increasing their scope and intensity. There was a heavy bombardment in which one-tonne Kazan Bombs were used against the guerrilla for the first time in the region. In this way, Alibogazı was almost destroyed. The enemy forces were able to partially enter the area with intense precautions as a result of 10 days of continuous air bombardment and left the operation area within a few hours. All enemy attacks are concentrated in Turkey Kurdistan. The attacks focused on the destruction of all guerrilla forces. At the same time, a comprehensive operation was carried out against HPG guerrilla forces in Dersim Ahpanos Valley. In this operation, HPG Command Council Member and Dersim Field Commander Yılmaz Dersim (İsmail Sürgeç) and a HPG guerrilla were immortalized.

Comprehensive information on the scope of the operation against our guerrilla forces will be made public by our party later. Under given conditions, it was understood that Comrade Deniz, a member of our Party and a member of Dersim Regional Command, was immortalized in the operation in line with the information we obtained first. Our party continues to pay heavy prices in the march to revolution and communism. It declares its will and determination for war at the highest level, and the barricades are built with the martyrs we sacrificed from the warriors to the cadres for the destruction of fascism. This stance is an indication of the determination of our party component to continue the war and the necessity to overcome the problems of the class struggle with a life-costing struggle. On the one hand, while standing on the battlefield, on the other hand, the will of continuity in the People’s War, necessity in the war of attachment, concentration at the ideological-political-theoretical level is organized that will dissipate all the dark clouds. Our comrades, who fall in the fight, took the attitude of expanding the possibilities of the struggle and steadfastly realizing the orientation of our party, with the understanding that holding and continuity in the war is vital in the narrowing possibilities of the struggle. This attitude must be equipped with the awareness that a high level of understanding and ownership is inherent in the effort of holding and continuity at the same time organizing the party line. From this picture, not despair and frustration, but the insistence of determination and continuity, the ownership and promotion of the effort to organize with blood and soul should emerge.

We know very well the goal of the enemy attacks. To prove that they are an “undefeatable” power, to prove that no war power can defeat them, to create fear-despair by utilizing their complete war machine by scattering death-exploding bombs-and, of course, to ensure that its persecution is continued more easily and effectively without any problems, disturbances or threats to its sovereignty.

But as we know that the strong is not right, we know very well that the weak will not decrease in righteousness regardless of the circumstances and conditions. Our party is under a very, very heavy attack. Enemy is in a tendency coded on destruction of the main line and heartland of the People’s War Struggle. They do not stop their attacks and want to destroy our guerrilla forces with advanced war machines. The scale of the attack is multifaceted, extensive and, of course, not only military. The main tendency is ideological. It is to raise frustration and despair, and to raise the white flag of the line of revolution and armed struggle. The historical conditions, the social-economic reality of the country, the need of the masses of the people, the positioning of the hostile classes and the line on which the class struggle has to go point out that this line should raise the RED FLAG higher. Our party has a certain understanding and determination of this.

Now the fascist dictatorship wishes to shoot, smash and bury the hopes of the people seven stories under the ground. However, hope, faith and determination are real. In the heavy bombardment of fascism, guns are heard with all the roar of fighting hand in hand. And in all its glory, it is the seed planted at the point where it is thought to be destroyed. Hope and faith will inevitably grow and come out, getting stronger in the fire and storm of revolutionary struggle. The repulsion of class contradictions, the possibilities of historical conditions, the dialectical-historical materialist doctrine that enables us to understand all developments; It shows us that hope will surely encompass the souls of the oppressed with all its glory, beating the door of history with a thump. This is mandatory. It is this conception of necessity that resisting these attacks drives us to tactical-military-practical-theoretical-political discoveries that will repel these attacks. Yes, this is exactly the spiritual formation that surrounds our party in such a process.


Comrades, Our People;

“Sorrow has been a rebellion because;

Sorrow must be rebellion “


Member of the Dersim Party Committee and Regional Command, Merinos of Komsomol, “tommeister” and Deniz of the guerrilla, comrade Cumhur Sinan Oktulmuş, was born on August 20, 1983, to a working family of Arab nationality in Tarsus district of Mersin. He met TMLGB during his secondary school years and got involved in its activities. During his high school activity, he became a militant of Komsomol and a member of the Tarsus District Committee. Komsomol’s Merinos quickly became a member of TMLGB and was promoted to the Çukurova Regional Committee. He responded to the Komsomol’s campaign to join the guerrilla in 2005-2006 and joined in 2006. The guerrilla’s Deniz, who has a serious understanding and analysis capability with his silent and deep observation talent, became a member of our party in 2009. After the martyrdom of our five women comrades in 2011, he did not hesitate to shoulder the increasing responsibilities and from that date on, he served as the Regional Commander until he entrusted the duty to Comrade Özgür in 2017. Comrade Deniz was an important and valuable cadre of our guerrilla forces, who managed to overcome problems in the most difficult times, he was strongly attached to the party, and most importantly, with a deep understanding of the class struggle.

Comrade Deniz, with his strong experience and know-how on the battlefield, succeeded in voiding many attacks of the enemy, keeping the barrel of his rifle warm in the face of losses in the last five years, and sharpening his class anger more. Comrade Deniz, in the face of all kinds of attacks of splittism that emerged in the party in 2016 that would damage the party, its line and its cadres, he strengthened his trust and loyalty to the party, its line and his comrades. Undoubtedly, the communist will, which has been tested by these heavy attacks from within, has also taken a stronger position in the face of fascism’s inherent attacks to create terror. As with all our immortal comrades, Comrade Deniz also emerged from the will of our party.

It is not easy to etch willpower from this steel. This will has been tested by death, strengthened by the consciousness of history and passed on to our party as a great energy. Because our party, in this process we are going through, does not want to be discouraged by the losses, but to consolidate it and to claim its ideology and line more. This will is the will to fight stronger, to merge with the class struggle, to be more attached to the New Democratic Revolution, to fill the gaps of our martyrs stronger. Undoubtedly, we are now more experienced, more faithful, and with more claims. We now have the power to confront this annihilation attack against our People’s War and the whole guerrilla war with more certainty and determination. We have the ideological equipment, faith and determination inherited from our immortal comrades to achieve this. Undoubtedly, the will of all revolutionary forces fighting against the fascist dictatorship in hand, strengthens our determination in the war. İsmail Sürgeç and all those who fight in hand and fall are our reason to grow the struggle.

Our comrades have armed and carried the will of our party to death. We must understand this, grasp it, and shape all our struggles with this reality. Our Party will advance this will, its deficiencies and its weaknesses by eliminating the problems in the war, by turning towards the enemy with a much stronger seriousness than the enemy directed at us, by strengthening the perspective of power, by embracing the route of establishment of power piece by piece.